How can we help?

Get in touch with our sales and support teams for demos, onboarding support, or product questions.
Can I upload all videos?
Currently, only short videos are allowed. 9:16 format with a maximum resolution of FULL HD (1080x1920)
Which languages are supported?
English, Chinese, German, Spanish, Russian, Korean, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Turkish, Polish, Catalan, Dutch, Arabic, Swedish, Italian, Indonesian, Hindi, Finnish, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Greek, Malay, Czech, Romanian, Danish, Hungarian, Tamil, Norwegian, Thai, Urdu, Croatian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Latin, Māori, Malayalam, Welsh, Slovak, Telugu, Persian, Latvian, Bengali, Serbian, Azerbaijani, Slovenian, Kannada, Estonian, Macedonian, Breton, Basque, Icelandic, Armenian, Nepali, Mongolian, Bosnian, Kazakh, Albanian, Swahili, Galician, Marathi, Panjabi, Sinhala, Khmer, Shona, Yoruba, Somali, Afrikaans, Occitan, Georgian, Belarusian, Tajik, Sindhi, Gujarati, Amharic, Yiddish, Lao, Uzbek, Faroese, Haitian, Pashto, Turkmen, Norwegian Nynorsk, Maltese, Sanskrit, Luxembourgish, Burmese, Tibetan, Tagalog, Malagasy, Assamese, Tatar, Hawaiian, Lingala, Hausa, Bashkir, jw, Sundanese
How much costs your services?
We have 3 plans.

The first plan "Starter" with 100 generations per month, you can upload videos with a maximum duration of 120 seconds and a size of 300MB, for $15/mo.

The second plan "Expert" is adapted for a creative person with ambitions, you will be able to benefit from 250 generations per month with a maximum duration of 240 seconds and a size of 500MB, for $25/mo.

Finally the last plan "Pro" is the perfect solution for the confirmed content creator looking for perfection with 500 generations per month, a maximum duration of videos of 420 seconds and a maximum size of 1 GB, for $40/mo.
Is any affiliation program?
Autocaption has an affiliate program.If you invite someone to Autocaption, you'll earn 35% of the plan your affiliate has chosen, every month for life!