Submagic is an AI for content creators that generates stunning captions. Check out the list of alternatives below with our analysis comparing features, prices.
Submagic pricing is based on exported videos, and supports only 48 languages.
Export times can vary, taking several minutes for a simple short video.
Custom templates are limited (up to 3 for the first plan)
Export capacity is limited and expensive, $20 for 20 videos (1$ for 1 video)
Auto Caption pricing is based on exported videos, and supports 100 languages.
Export times are much faster than with Submagic, about 3 times faster.
All formats are supported
Cations Templates are optimized to catch attention and increase watch-time.
The editor is ultra-free and allows you to create a wide variety of templates.
Submagic is an AI for content creators that generates amazing captions with emojis for short-form content in under 2 minutes. Create your captions and skyrocket your video engagement.
AutoCaption generates subtitles/captions in one click using AI, with more than 100 languages supported it helps you to skyrocket your short videos on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and other social media platforms using short-video content. Designed to optimised your watch-time, it'll make your clips go viral.